If you are buying a used vehicle or retitling a car into your name, you need to get a roadworthy test. You may also need this test if your vehicle has been declared defective. If you want to improve your chances of passing the roadworthy test, here are some tips you need to keep in mind.

1. Find Out What Is Tested

Before bringing your vehicle in for the roadworthy test, you may want to find out what is going to be tested. That can vary depending on which state you live in, but in general, these tests want to ensure that your car is safe to be on the road.

To that end, the inspection may look at your brakes, handbrakes, steering and suspension. To ensure you can stop and that you have adequate control of your vehicle, your tyres need to have the right amount of tread. Note that if you don't have to take a roadworthy test, you need to have a certain level of tread on your tyres for them to be street legal.

The inspection may also look at your chassis and windscreen. Falling off rusted bits or cracks that impede visibility may cause you to fail the roadworthy test.

Finally, you need to ensure that other drivers can see and hear you. To that end, you need working lights including high beams and a horn that works.

2. Ask for a Checklist

To ensure everything is working as it should, you may want to ask the inspector for a checklist before you bring your vehicle in for the roadworthy test. For instance, if you know that leaking oil will cause you to fail the test, you can check for that.

3. Get Repairs as Needed

If you notice something is wrong with your vehicle, get it repaired before you go in for the roadworthy test. In some cases, you can find automotive specialists who are well versed in roadworthy tests. They can look at your car in the same way an inspector would, and they can help you prioritise repairs based on those criteria.

4. Get Post-Inspection Repairs as Soon as Possible

In some cases, if your vehicle doesn't pass the roadworthy test, you have a grace period. If you get the repairs you need during that period, you don't have to get a new inspection. If the inspector tries to fail you, be proactive and ask about a potential grace period for necessary repairs.
